
Showing posts from June, 2017

Make way for the new addition

We are about to the start our garden refurb, to make way for a new climbing frame, which is due to arrive very shortly. As the pictures show, the garden is not in its best condition and certainly needs some help. The old metal climbing frame is at least 10 years old and has certainly seen some use. This year we asked the children if they would like a new climbing frame, as you can imagine the answer was yes, but we explained it came with conditions. They needed to pay towards it themselves. When Nanny, Granddad and Grandma asked what they would like for there birthday, the kids have asked for money towards the climbing frame. So between 4 children (born between March and early July) they have saved half of the cost. This was worked out fantastically well for the grandparents as it has solved the problem of presents and deciding what to buy them. I think its good at this age (4-9years) for children to start to learn that sometimes you have to wait for things, and that saving towards i

Getting organised

Hi ya. This is the first post of my rebooted blog, renamed since the birth of Emilia. I promise to be a better blogger and update more often but, some nights I just collapse into bed so the last thing I want to do is get the laptop out!! The trouble is that with everyone growing up so fast, the moments I want to remember will be gone so I need to make the time before it really is too late. Excuses aside...... I love Summer I really do. Its great to be able to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and spend time with my bunch, and thats fine...if I'm organised. If I'm not organised...its a nightmare. The trouble with me, is that I have to plan everything in advance, if I dont, its not pretty. The ideal scenario would be wake up one morning, sun is shining, pack a picnic, grab a few bits and pieces, into the van, out for the day. But for me that doesn't work. I have a list, and probably a sub list with it. What are we going to eat, when are we going to eat it, where are we goi