Getting organised

Hi ya. This is the first post of my rebooted blog, renamed since the birth of Emilia. I promise to be a better blogger and update more often but, some nights I just collapse into bed so the last thing I want to do is get the laptop out!! The trouble is that with everyone growing up so fast, the moments I want to remember will be gone so I need to make the time before it really is too late.

Excuses aside......

I love Summer I really do. Its great to be able to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and spend time with my bunch, and thats fine...if I'm organised. If I'm not organised...its a nightmare. The trouble with me, is that I have to plan everything in advance, if I dont, its not pretty. The ideal scenario would be wake up one morning, sun is shining, pack a picnic, grab a few bits and pieces, into the van, out for the day. But for me that doesn't work. I have a list, and probably a sub list with it. What are we going to eat, when are we going to eat it, where are we going to eat, when do I have to shop for it. What do I have to make. what do I have to pack. Whats the weather going to be like. Do we need sun hats, do we need raincoats, do we have we have blah.... blah... blah. So I try to pack everything I need into my van that I could possibly need, from my pre-arranged list and viola stress levels reduced, out the door relatively easily. So with this in mind I  recently decided to re-organise my van. I pulled everything out and decided to start again. The storage in our van is very poor so I have bought a couple of hanging organisers, especially for the back row, as the children currently dump most things on the floor. Now they have space for their tablets and other various things they need when travelling. There is a bit of space under the middle row of seats so I have space for boxes (full of dvds, tissues, change of clothes etc. Also a sick box(which is an old ice cream tub so if anyone is sick I can put a lid on it and throw it away) and towels for very wet school runs!!!!- it always rains at 3.00pm.

I decided to make myself a check list to go by which I need to get laminated (always seems so much more official and permanent when laminated). My plan is to do a check every so often, to make sure everything is in place (yes I am really that sad but you wait till your child has spilt ice cream all over themselves and needs a change of clothes because they are sticky and wont be me stressing, well I hope not haha).

I don't know if this list helps anyone, but if anybody has any ideas to add to it I would be only to happy to hear. With parenting and children, we are all learning on the job. Bye xx


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