How we do the Summer Hols!!

I am very new to social media (I just celebrated my first year) so I was quite surprised at some of the comments I have seen regarding the summer holidays and Mums attitude towards them. I know it can be quite stressful keeping everyone entertained, especially if its raining and the kids are getting bored, but I was really shocked as to how some mums talk about their children, when describing their summer experiences.  I was taught as a child that there is nothing big or clever and swearing, and I think some Mums out there never learnt this. They use these words about their own children, their own flesh and blood. Now we all know that anything online can come back to haunt us and the same is true with this. I would hate my children when they have grown up, to read comments I have written, especially when I have tried to be humorous at their expense and when its coupled with lots of rude offensive names for them. Surely this is the stuff of playgrounds, and should not be aimed at the people we love so much. Now I do have a sense of humour, you certainly need that in my own crazy home, but I also know whats important. My children mean everything to me and no way will I call them rude names or slag them off to think its funny. I save those words and attitude for people who cross me as a woman and not for my loved ones.

Right I have said my piece, so what is the solution to Summer holidays....well I in no way have all the answers but I can only describe what we do and here it is:

1.Plan, plan and plan again.

I know this sounds like my answer to everything but planning is the key to Summer. I ask everyone what they would like to do (realistic answers only) and we make a summer 'to do' list. Simple things really, I am not made of money. Ideas such as the library reading scheme, PYO then make a dessert from what you have picked, bike rides etc, it doesn't have to be all about the theme parks and it doesn't need to be expensive. Put more things on than you will ever achieve, that way it gives you more scope for weather situations. Also, I put things in that I also think they will like, even if its something they haven't asked for because sometimes you don't know until you try.

2. Weather Option

Talking of weather, we have a back up weather plan. When the weather is rubbish and we can't get outside, we use the rainy day token pot.
This is their opportunity to go on Play station/Xbox but it is a timed event. The pot has different time slots 30 mins, 45mins etc and you get one token. When your time is up, its up. We have done this for a couple of years now and works great for the younger boys, who obviously would happily play for hours given the chance!!

3. Summer fun tub

Each year the summer tub appears with lots of cool stuff...except its not new stuff really. We have a lot of birthday parties and so I will remove one or two small gifts and put them away into the tub. Kids have so much that they usually don't notice one or two things have gone and when the summer comes, they get it back, often completely surprised by it. I also keep bubble wands and top them up with mixture, add a couple of new things collected from sales and other yellow sticker finds in the supermarket, a new football, scrap book, that sort of thing. Kids love it, its something new to play with and it hasn't cost you a fortune either.

4. Summer goals

I asked the kids what they wanted to achieve this summer. I was really pleased that the boys wanted to improve their times tables, the girls were more about swimming and reading. I don't feel the need to work on school work during the Summer, after all they are on holiday and so that's what it should be, but it doesn't hurt to keep your hand in a little. Plus, if its a goal they want to achieve then I certainly am going to help them all I can.

Well that's a few things that we do. We also try and go away over the summer hols and I do appreciate that not everyone can do this, some years we can afford it, others we can't.

We all need to enjoy the school holidays, I know that I do. Our children are only young for such a short time and when they are grown up we will all look back nostalgically at what they were like when they were little. If we concentrate on living in the here and now and not wish it away, complaining but instead think how the kids will enjoy their summer and make the most of them being here, then life would be so much more enjoyable.


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