
Showing posts from October, 2017

Snaggle Tooth Mimi

Our little Emilia is now 8 months and this post is dedicated to her, so that in years to come we can remind myself how much she has grown and changed. Its also a snap shot of her development at this point in her life. The gap between Florence and Emilia is nearly 4 years and so it has been wonderful to go through having a new baby in the house again. At one point I thought it would never happen and we were very close to leaving the 'baby years' behind us but we are so glad we persevered. Emilia or Mimi as she has been nicknamed, is a bundle of delight from the minute she opens her eyes each morning. She is so full of laughter and so happy and contented. She is adventurous and always off discovering new things..the stairs for example are her latest fascination. Mimi is physically very strong. She has been crawling for a few months now, and she stands and she holds on and moves around the furniture. Given the chance, she would shoot up the stairs, or out the door, if someone