Snaggle Tooth Mimi

Our little Emilia is now 8 months and this post is dedicated to her, so that in years to come we can remind myself how much she has grown and changed. Its also a snap shot of her development at this point in her life.

The gap between Florence and Emilia is nearly 4 years and so it has been wonderful to go through having a new baby in the house again. At one point I thought it would never happen and we were very close to leaving the 'baby years' behind us but we are so glad we persevered.

Emilia or Mimi as she has been nicknamed, is a bundle of delight from the minute she opens her eyes each morning. She is so full of laughter and so happy and contented. She is adventurous and always off discovering new things..the stairs for example are her latest fascination. Mimi is physically very strong. She has been crawling for a few months now, and she stands and she holds on and moves around the furniture. Given the chance, she would shoot up the stairs, or out the door, if someone leaves it open, she shows no fear, just pure inquisitiveness.

She is a typical baby babbler, with 'Dada' being her first word. She now shouts this at everyone, along with other things that we often can't work out, but there is currently no sign of 'Mama' no matter how much I say it. I spend my day being surrounded by people asking for Mum, but the one smallest person who needs to say it, can't, well not yet anyway. She shouts Dada, and all us Mums know that this will change as she gets older, as only Mum is capable of doing EVERYTHING!!

Spot the 'Snaggle tooth'
Four teeth have appeared. Actually 2 normal teeth, and 2 very creepy fangs. Affectionately known as her 'snaggle tooth' they are rather amusing but I hope they aren't staying. Mimi has been fine cutting teeth so far. A little sore bottom sometimes, but overall nothing too torturous. I do love her Nuby bracelet, which has been a better choice for her instead of my shoulder which she did take a liking to!!

I have yet to find a type of food that this girl won't eat. Everything gets a try. Particular favourites are cucumber, Moroccan spiced houmous, and chicken casserole. She eats what the family eats, its the way I have always done things, and as I cook from scratch each night, I know exactly what is in there and what she is having.

Emilia has a very strict bedtime 7pm and that's it. Bath time, not every night but most. She gets dressed downstairs, says goodnight to everyone and then off to the bedroom to have her milk in a quiet setting. Her nap is in the morning, usually for about an hour and a half. She may have a top up few minutes on the way the afternoon school run but it will only ever be a few minutes. My rule has always been no going to sleep after 3pm. Unless of course they are poorly, when sleep is all they want to do.

Mimi's favourite toys undoubtedly are her brothers and sisters. She looks at them with complete wonder. They entertain her, chat to her, play with her, its a sheer delight to watch. Then there are times when she interrupts them when they are playing and that doesn't go down well with them, but overall its all good. When shes on her own, Mimi loves opening the pantry door and pulling the bread out, putting everything she can into her mouth and of course the TV remote, that brings endless fun!!!!

Talking of TV Mimi loves it. No I don't sit her in front of it all day, she loves the theme tune of programmes. She looks at the TV when the 'You've been framed' theme tune comes on. Soon as the show starts she ignores the TV. Its all about the music!

Whats else does little 8 month old Emilia love. Well, swimming that went down well, plus going on the swings in the park, she adores that. She really is very happy, and is usually smiling. She has started to love bath time with her big sisters. She sits in the laundry basket, while the other 2 have the rest of the bath. Emilia loves it, actually they all do. Such a great baby hack to use, I wish I had seen it before, it makes bath time super fun and less stressful trying to keep hold of a slippery child.
One thing she isn't too fond of, is getting changed. Trying to keep her still long enough to change her clothes, is always a challenge, regardless of what toy I place in her hand. I guess she feels that she has better things to do!

From the minute she was born I felt like I had always known her, and that it really was only a matter of time that she would come into our lives. I feel like we have been waiting for her, and that she has always been a member of our family. I don't think I can explain it really, it just seems like she has always been here with us.
We feel so lucky as a family to have welcomed Emilia into our lives and into our hearts.


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