
Showing posts from March, 2020

Home schooling Day 1

How was it for you??? For us it went surprisingly well. I used my set structure to base our learning and I think for us structure is the key. Our school day is planned and I think at this difficult time, structure is something we all require. So, how did it go...well, firstly we started with an old favourite...spellings. Cover, write, repeat, you all know the drill. We also used our spellings in a sentence. And just like school, Friday will be our test day. Next, we logically moved onto English. My older boys had work set from school, while the girls, desperate to use their new notebooks, started with a letter to me, to tell me what they enjoyed at school, what they found a little troublesome (careful not to use the word difficult) and lastly what they would like to improve on. I thought this would give me an insight into how they feel about school and help me to encourage them when they need it and what to give extra help with. After a successful hour and a half, we had exercise t