A few little words

Sometimes its not the big speeches that mean the most, sometimes its the simplest of words that have the biggest impact. For us this week,'you are discharged', alters our world. For us it means
no more hospital trips, no more waiting on tests, no more cancer lying in the background of our lives. Now that's not to say that I am blinkered enough to think that it will never affect our lives again, I sincerely hope not, but I would be deluded to think that. What I do know is that this chapter has come to pass.

Five years ago we were so excited to be expecting our 7th child, Florence, and the week after having my 20 week scan, I sat with John whilst he had a scan to discover if he had a tumour. He did and so it all began. The operation, the chemo, the fear, it engulfed what should have been a great time in our lives with worry and tears. But with the amazing care of our NHS John came out the other side and our lives carried on. Florence arrived, appointments came and went, and things moved on. My husband was so strong through it all. He faced it with such courage, I am in complete awe of him. I don't think I would be so together, I guess until you are in that situation, you just don't know. But Johns clear head and inner resolve was incredible. When the chemo had drained him and all he could do was sleep, he looked so different, so vulnerable. But this didn't last for long. The chemo did its job and John and our lives started to return to normal, just with a slight shadow hanging over us.

One of the worst things about a situation like this, is having to tell your children. We were robbed of being able to tell the older ones in a dignified way and I hope that they forgive us one day for that. Emotions ran high and nobody wants bad news handled in that way. But life isn't a perfect, if it were we would never had this happen, but it did and it was something as a family we walked through. Now I am so thankful to say we are through to the other side. xx


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