When life keeps you busy

Looking back at my recent instagram posts, I have noticed that we have had a couple of 'full on' weeks. The kids went back to school. One starting college, one starting High School, 3 back to primary school and one just starting school. Flossie took to school like a duck to water. Nothing has phased her and not once has she complained about going. Me on the other hand...well I miss her terribly. I know longer have to collect her from nursery at 11.50 and for some reason this change does not sit well with me. I feel like I am forgetting to do something each day. I am sure this phase for me will pass, after all I am at home with Emilia, who is making it her mission to walk (she is only 71/2 months, its not allowed), so lifes not exactly quiet. Its just a new 'norm' to get use to.
We took Ellena back to University and helped her move into her new student house. Surprisingly, and probably from Els point of view a little disappointingly, I was not a blubbering mess. She goaded me for days about crying before she left as last time I couldn't stop, which in part was alot to do with being pregnant I suspect. In fact this time she was the one who was a little emotional...not like her at all. As always she didn't wave good bye. I have come to terms with this now, choosing instead to believe that she is far too upset to do so and not that she just can't be bothered.

We have had 2 birthdays, Joshua and Johns. Josh turned 17 and has started driving lessons. I think he may get to grips with this pretty easily, if first impressions are to be believed. I certainly hope so, as I will be bankrupt if I have to keep paying out for his college transport costs, they are stupidly expensive. John turned alot older than 17...say no more.
We have celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary, we even got to go out for a child free evening. Great food, great company it was really lovely. Of course we did chat about our children, how could we not, but we also enjoyed being together. I dont need reminding how great my hubby is, I see that every day, it was important to spend some time with just the two of us.
Sadly, my mum has had a fall and is currently in hospital. We are all very worried about her, as it is taking a while for her to recover. I hope that soon she will be back to her old self, but I cant help feeling concerned that this may not be the case. I suppose only time will tell. In the meantime, we are juggling hospital trips into our every day mix.

Henry started playing football for a local team. Hes never played like this before, our Saturdays have always been taken up by Joshuas games, but now his team has folded and he plays at college, Saturdays are now open for someone else. We all watched his first game. He scored an amazing goal. I'm not just saying that because I'm his Mum, it really was brilliant. In fact we have nicknamed him 'the terrier', because he was up and down that pitch, snapping at everyone's heals, going in for some real fierce tackles, showing no fear. He made 'Man of the Match' and we were so proud of him. He literally was beside himself with delight. He keeps picking up the arm band he was given and looking at it in awe. So amazing for him and his self confidence, and so great for us as a family to be able to support him and be part of it.

After much deliberation, we have splashed out on a new corner sofa. This, for John, means he has some major decorating to do, as I really think the new sofa needs a nicely decorated room to accompany it. Coupled with the girls new room and Emilia/Ellenas rooms which need to be done, I think he will be a little busy. Oh well he has 90 something days till Christmas, to get it done by, plenty of time, well at least I hope it is. Talking of Christmas, I have started down that path. Its never too early to start, and I hate leaving things to the last minute. So my list has been made, my budget set and my ears are constantly listening out to the kids suggestions, which is really important as some of them think they dont need to write a letter to Santa because he 'already knows'.
Well, thats part of early September. Lets hope it goes a little quieter, actually no lets not, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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